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WFD Project

Project Manager

Shupai Steven Majee


The project โ€œBringing back biodiversity and groundwater: scaling agro-ecological practices for food and nutrition security, resilience, and environmental protectionโ€ is a 55 months project (1June 2024- 31 Dec2028) which is supported by Weltfriedensdienst e.V (WFD) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its goal is to โ€œImprove the resilience of landscapes in Zimbabwe to create sustainable and resilient livelihoods for smallholder farming communities while enhancing ecosystem services, thereby contributing to achieving Sustainable Development Goals: 1, 2, 6, 13, 15, and 17.โ€ The project goal is to improve biodiversity and stabilising the groundwater table in 15 selected districts of the Chimanimani district through effective management of water resources and livestock and the application of agroecological practices. Improved access to water and regenerated pastures as well as improved market access increase the resilience of farmers. The successes achieved will influence political decision-makers at district, provincial and national level to promote uptake of agroecology. The project is being implemented through a strategic and complimentary partnerships between Participatory Ecological Land Use Management Zimbabwe (PELUM Zimbabwe), Participatory Organic Research Extension and Training (PORET), and Towards Sustainable Use of Resources Organisation (TSURO) Trust. However, under this arrangement, each partner will be allocated at least one specific sub-objective/thematic area to support the attainment of the over project goal based on the partnerโ€™s institutional strength. ย ย The project has 4 sub-objectives/ thematic areas.

1Improving sustainable livestock and land management according to the concept of holistic land and pasture management (HLLM) and agro-ecologyTSUROPORET
2Improving the management of water and ecological resources with a focus on water catchment and ecologically sensitive areas.PORETTSURO
3Expansion of value creation, market access, and income generation.TSUROPORET
4Promoting shared learning, policy change, dialogue, and coordination.PELUMTSURO, PORET