Empowering Youths Peer Educators in terms of Sexual Reproductive Health Rights.
TSURO Trust under the Bread for the World funded project is capacitating youths from Buhera, Chipinge and Chimanimani in order to create vibrant youths health clubs.
The youths recently went through an intense two day capacity building program as peer educators laying a solid foundation for accelerated youthโs trainings within the rural communities.
The Youths Health Clubs Peer Educators were taken through Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, focusing on different pillars namely
- Prevention of Sexually transmitted Infection
- Prevention of drug and substance abuse
- Life Skills
Under the Bread for the World funded project, TSURO Trust is capacitating youth peer educators with the aim to increaseknowledge and skills on health seeking behaviour and improve communitiesโ resilience to key health threats through health promotion and education initiatives.
The Training program culminated with the distribution of sporting kits to help the youths in fighting social ills through sport and nurturing sport development right from grass roots level.
The youths also received smart phones to strengthen E- health in rural communities.